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Support the Gibson House



​Donations and memberships are critical to the operations of the Museum and the programs that fill the Gibson House with life. We welcome you to donate any amount you are comfortable with, below. 


Since the passing of our longtime board member and former president, Ruth Ann Kupfer, we have set up a fund in her honor that will support all manner of museum operations and projects. If you would like to contribute to this fund, please indicate this via the button below by checking "Dedicate my donation in honor or in memory of someone."

The Gibson Society, Inc. is a tax-exempt charitable and educational institution in accordance with Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code (EIN 04-2299931). Gifts and contributions are deductible from federal taxes in accordance with current provisions of the code. 

Those interested in Planned Giving should contact Museum Administrator Michelle Coughlin at or (617)267-6338.

Become a Member


Financial support through membership provides a solid and reliable base to sustain the museum for the future. Membership is a great way to join in on upcoming events. As a member, you will receive invitations and reduced admission to programs, our online newsletter and Annual Report, and free, year-round admission to the Gibson House.

Join at a GHM event and deduct your admission fee from the membership fee. See membership levels below.

Reduced admission to most programs sponsored by the Gibson House Museum, newsletter, and emails of upcoming events


Benefits of the Individual
Membership level for four
plus a private tour for four


Benefits of the Student Membership level plus one museum guest pass


Benefits of the Individual Membership level for six
plus a private tour for six


Benefits of the Individual Membership level for two
plus two guest passes


Benefits of the Individual Membership level plus
an invitation to a private
outing created for this
level of membership


Support the Gibson House Museum through Shopping

Get iconic Gibson House Museum imagery on a plethora of items and goods from our Redbubble page. The Gibson House Museum receives 10% of the listed price of each purchase. Plus, you get to have a bit of the Museum delivered to your home or sent as a gift!

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